We focus and utilize each child’s strengths while building upon the skills that they have not yet mastered.

Our curriculum is based on a “whole child” approach. Our belief is that children learn and experience life with multi-modalities that are intertwined. We focus and utilize each child’s strengths while building upon the skills that they have not yet mastered. Throughout our day we incorporate goals for the following areas of development: cognitive, language, auditory, social and speech.

Units, themes and lessons are carefully crafted by a team of professionals to include these areas of development. Teachers and therapists collaborate to create common goals specific to each child.

Each week, our teachers, speech-language pathologists and supervisors sit down at a planning meeting where they pool together their experience, creativity and love for children and generate the most amazing results! This meeting of the minds is the cornerstone to our work here, and we gladly share our concepts with you!

Critical components of each day include 2 daily lessons, fine motor activity, circletime, exercise/gross motor, play and centers. The following curriculum components are incorporated within themes/units.

Listening & Spoken Language

Listening and speaking are key components of every daily activity. Our students are motivated to listen attentively for enjoymen,
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The ability to think independently and engage in problem solving is a foundation for learning and preparing for a mainstream environment.
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Our students gain a rich foundation into the world of literacy and reading. We focus on skills such as auditory memory
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Math skills are taught within a group as well as on a 1:1 basis to ensure competence. The teachers will often embed these skills within a thematic unit
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Our science curriculum is taught to broaden our students’ environmental concepts. The children learn to ask questions
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Social Studies

Social Studies

Our goal is for the children to develop a basic awareness of themselves as an individual, within a family, and within the context of a community.
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Art is incorporated into all aspects of the curriculum. Our preschool students enjoy a weekly creative arts class.
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We incorporate daily musical activities, such as singing songs, performing finger plays, and listening to music.
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Dramatic Play

Each day our students participate in a variety of dramatic play activities to represent fantasy and real life experiences.
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Physical Development

Physical Development

Our curriculum includes activities to help the students engage in a variety of physical fitness activities. We focus on competence
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Health & Safety

Formal and informal lessons about personal care and hygiene are incorporated on a regular basis. The children learn
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Social & Emotional Development

Social & Emotional Development

Our school psychologist, teachers, and therapists all work toward developing our students’ self -regulation, positive relationships
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Sensory Integration

Our children learn best when ideas are presented in a multisensory fashion. Hands-on activities, such as sand, rice, and water tables
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Our steam program encourages student collaboration by combining science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math
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Our thematic based yoga program incorporates gross motor skills as well as helps our students to improve
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